To provide all residents of and visitors to Sullivan County with professional, expedient and efficient 911 dispatch services for all fire, EMS and police emergency calls. To answer all non-emergency calls promptly, professionally and courteously and either resolve the callers issue or refer the caller to the appropriate person or agency that can resolve the issue.
The primary objective of the Office for the Aging is to be the lead advocate for the older population of Sullivan County. All the programs sponsored or directly operated by this office are designed to give choices to older people, with the hope that through these choices they will be able to remain in their own homes and communities as long as possible.
Located in the Town of Bethel, the Sullivan County International Airport occupies a 600 acre hilltop, approximately five miles northwest of the Village of Monticello, and 90 miles northwest of New York City.
The mission of the Sullivan County Office of Audit and Control is to audit and process all lawful claims or charges against the County or against funds for which the County is responsible; to promote accountability throughout the County government; and to provide various types of audit functions and services to all of our County’s departments.
The Broadband LDC is no longer active. This page is being retained for historical documentation purposes...
Sullivan Broadband Local Development Corporation (the "Corporation") is a local development corporation created pursuant to the not-for-profit corporation law of the State of New York. The Corporation shall seek to improve access to high speed broadband internet service to residents, businesses, not-for-profits, and other community members in Sullivan County, NY (“end users”). Through this expanded access, it is the intent of the Corporation to improve the quality of life for the Sullivan County community. The Corporation shall engage strategic partners and establish the necessary relationships to secure access to a broadband signal, and to subsequently market the signal at an affordable rate to prospective end users.
The Care Center at Sunset Lake is a skilled nursing facility providing care 7 days a week, 24-hour a day. The facility is licensed by the New York State Department of Health and offers skilled restorative care in a therapeutic environment for those who need rehabilitative care as well as a therapeutic environment for those who can no longer live independently.
With resources for Sullivan County job seekers and local businesses, the Center for Workforce Development provides high-quality workforce and employment services. Businesses can list open jobs, attend a local hiring event, receive labor market information, and more. Job seekers have access to services including public computers and technology, training opportunities, disability services, youth services, resume and cover letter assistance, job search assistance, and other supportive services. Let's get to work!
It is the legislative intent of this Charter to provide for the orderly government and management of the County of Sullivan. It is also the intent of this Charter to provide for a government that is efficient, effective, accountable, inclusive, open, and environmentally and fiscally responsible. Consistent with this intent, this Charter allocates duties and responsibilities in County Government.
The Sullivan County Child Advocacy Center, an officially accredited CAC, is a safe space where children can share their experiences without fear and where families can access the resources they need to rebuild their lives.
The Department of Community Services is the Local Government Unit for the development of behavioral health service plans for Sullivan County. The Department provides funding for community based behavioral health services.
As per the Charter of the County of Sullivan, the Coroners shall have all duties and powers now or hereafter conferred or imposed by New York State law. The County has four elected Coroners.
The County Attorney is counsel for the County of Sullivan and for all County officials, boards, divisions, commissioners, department heads, and employees.
This site is intended to inform you of the records and services available at the Sullivan County Clerk's Office. We hope that you will find this site user-friendly and that it will aid you in researching how our County Clerk's Office functions.
This page provides information about our commitment to conduct the business of local County government in accordance with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations, and to adhere to the highest ethical standards.
The position of County Historian was created in 1933 by the NYS Legislature, by amending the Municipal Historians' Law of 1919, which established the positions of town, village, and city historian.
The County of Sullivan has, over the years, passed through a process of legislative change common to many American communities. While only a few simple laws were necessary at the time of the establishment of the county, subsequent growth of the community, together with the complexity of modern life, has created the need for new and more detailed legislation for the proper function and government of the County.
Each legislator represents one of nine legislative districts representing approximately 8,400 people. Since most legislators are also employed in the private sector of our community or own small businesses, many have full-time jobs. However, as a citizen-representative each legislator brings a unique perspective and special expertise from his or her own profession and geographic area.
The County Manager of Sullivan County is appointed by the nine members of the Sullivan County Legislature. The County Manager is responsible for the overall administration of County government, as well as providing and coordinating staff services to the County Legislature, Chair of the Legislature and its committees. Duties of the County Manager include preparation of the Sullivan County Operating and Capital Budgets, appointment of County Commissioners and department heads (subject to confirmation by the Legislature), execution and enforcement of County laws, policy recommendations, collective bargaining negotiations, and efficient implementation of County initiatives as set forth by the Legislature.
The County Treasurer is statutorily the Chief Fiscal Officer of the County and the real property delinquent tax collection and enforcement officer. The office is comprised of several departments: accounting, real property tax collection, real property tax administration, room tax enforcement, and solid waste revenue collection.
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The District Attorney’s Office is responsible for investigating and prosecuting criminal cases from police agencies within Sullivan County, New York. Additionally, the Office is involved in investigations and arrests, particularly in the area of narcotics, in conjunction with State and Federal task forces that operate in the Mid-Hudson region. In addition, the District Attorney’s Office helped initiate the Family Violence Response Team, which is a multi disciplinary unit designed to investigate and arrest violent and sexual offenders of children.
Acting as an agent for the state of New York, the Sullivan County Clerk administers the County's Motor Vehicle Bureau, better known as the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The Sullivan County Drug Task Force (also known as the Substance Use Task Force) has been created to improve the lives of those impacted by substance use. Composed of agencies and individuals united in a common cause, its vision is to reduce stigma, protect the vulnerable, coordinate resources based on data-driven needs, initiate and implement prevention and treatment strategies, and support those who protect Sullivan County.
The Sullivan County Board of Elections is responsible for the honest and efficient operations of all National, State, County, City, and Local elections in our County.
The Sullivan County Legislature has determined that the installation, repair and improvement of electrical services and wiring in residential and commercial structures is a unique occupation requiring experience and skills not commonly required by persons performing other occupations. The improper installation repair and improvement of electrical wiring may create hazardous conditions for the occupants and community. The County Legislature finds the licensing of electricians is a fair and effective method to protect the public. The Board of Electrical Licensing of Sullivan County has been formed to insure the directives of the Sullivan County Legislature are followed.
To operate and sell shovel-ready lots within the Emerald Corporate Park for commercial office uses.
The Office of Emergency Management/Homeland Security exists within the Division of Public Safety to monitor and assist in emergency and security situations, both natural and manmade.
It is the mission of the Sullivan County Bureau of Emergency Medical Services to provide the leadership, support, education, and cooperation necessary to enable the Emergency Medical Service Agencies serving Sullivan County to provide the best emergency medical care possible through a lasting and professional partnership with the men and women of the Sullivan County Emergency Medical Services System.
Our GIS team develops and maintains maps, apps, and data to commercial vendors, government organizations, non-profit organizations, and the general public.
The mission of the Sullivan County Department of Grants Administration (DGA) is to facilitate access to discretionary external funding for Sullivan County Departments, while improving the administration and management of existing grant resources.
The mission for the division is to provide consolidated, efficient and cost effective services for county residents. The commissioner provides administrative oversight for the following departments: Care Center at Sunset Lake, Community Services, Social Services, Office For Aging, Public Health, Youth Bureau
The Sullivan County HIPAA Compliance Office is responsible for overseeing the development, implementation, maintenance, and adherence to the organization’s policies and procedures covering the privacy, access, and patient health information in compliance with federal and state laws and the healthcare organization’s information privacy practices.
Welcome to the Sullivan County Human Resources Department's website. Sullivan County has a workforce of approximately 1,200 employees. It is the Human Resources Department's responsibility to ensure qualified applicants are available to fill any vacancies within the various county departments, local municipalities, school districts, special districts and special jurisdictions by posting and administering civil service tests and providing lists of eligible candidates pursuant to New York State Civil Service Law.
The Human Rights Commission was created in October 2005 to foster good relationships among communities and groups of people in Sullivan County. We all have a shared purpose, to make Sullivan County the best possible place to live regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, creed, gender, age, disability, actual or perceived sexual orientation/preference, marital status or a criminal conviction only to the extent provided by Correction Law 752.
Information Technology Services (ITS) is a business process service bureau that provides services and information to all County Divisions, several local governmental units (assessors, law enforcement, etc.), 1,042 internal customers (users), vendor and service accounts and 1562 computer and server accounts. ITS is responsible for over 408 applications, copy/print/scan services, fax and VoIP/legacy phone systems, and provides systems support, maintenance, enhancements and new development for all major systems applications.
The Sullivan County Division of Management and Budget exists to support Sullivan County's fiscal integrity, accountability, and performance by providing budgeting, fiscal, analytical, operational policy and management support to the County Manager, Board of Legislators, Commissioners and Departments. It is our mission to ensure that the financial investment of all Sullivan County taxpayers is managed in a responsible manner.
Sullivan County through its Parks and Recreation Department operates and maintains Lake Superior State Park, The Delaware &Hudson Canal Linear Park and Interpretive Center, Stone Arch Bridge Historical Park, Minisink Battleground Park, Livingston Manor Covered Bridge Park, and the Sullivan County Cultural Center (Museum) for its residents and visitors. Fort Delaware Museum of Colonial History is owned by the County but operated by The Delaware Company, which also handles programming at the Minisink Battleground Park. Our parks and museums can provide you with a wide variety of recreational and historical opportunities. We hope you will take some time to visit one or all of our parks and museums.
The Sullivan County Division of Planning, Community Development and Environmental Management is responsible for the creation of programs that foster orderly development and redevelopment of the County's physical infrastructure in a manner that conserves natural resources while providing economic opportunity for area residents. The Division of Planning also offers technical assistance to local municipalities and assists with the development of land use policies.
Sullivan County Probation Department takes a proactive approach to law enforcement and treatment strategies in the rehabilitation and monitoring of offenders in the community. A continuum of comprehensive services is used to facilitate the re-socialization of offenders to preserve public safety. Partnerships and cooperation with other law enforcement agencies are constantly being developed and fostered to better ensure the safety and quality of life for the citizens of Sullivan County.
The mission of the local County Health Department - Sullivan County Public Health, is to prevent illness and disease, and to protect and promote public health.
The Division of Public Safety is charged with ensuring the safety and security of the citizens and government of Sullivan County, and oversees the Office of Emergency Management/Homeland Security, Bureau of Fire, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and the E-911 Center.
The Sullivan County Division of Public Works and Solid Waste provides a wide range of essential services to county residents and visitors. More than 200 dedicated staff in the division’s fifteen (15) departments work designing, maintaining and repairing roads and bridges, plowing snow, operating and maintaining county buildings and parks as well as fueling, maintaining and repairing the County’s vehicle fleet. The division also operates the Sullivan County Sanitary Landfill, transfer stations, recycling program and sponsors County cleanup initiatives. The Division maintains and operates the Sullivan County International Airport and provides Weights and Measures services to insure sale quantity accuracy within the County. Through these challenging tasks, the dedicated professionals in the Division of Public Works are proud to play an essential role in making Sullivan County a great place to live, work, and play.
The Purchasing Department is responsible for all purchases of materials, and execution of all contracts for services, capital projects and supplies for the Sullivan County Departments and their facilities. Our objective is to obtain the best quality products and services for the best price, in a fair open and competitive manner.
Purchasing is responsible for initiating and maintaining effective and professional relationships with vendors and the various County Department employees, and to serve as the exclusive channel through which all requests for County purchases and price quotations are handled.
The mission of the Sullivan County Real Property Tax Services Agency is primarily to fulfill the requirements of the New York State Law and Regulations to achieve and maintain equitable assessments throughout the County of Sullivan. In order to create and preserve tax equity within and between the municipalities located in the County of Sullivan, this agency is responsible to produce and maintain tax maps. These tax maps display the configuration and location of parcels within the towns, villages and special districts throughout the County of Sullivan.
The Department of Risk Management and Insurance is responsible for the comprehensive risk management program that is in place to protect and insure the assets of the County of Sullivan. The Risk Management and Insurance Department oversees various employee benefit programs such as; health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance and voluntary (member funded) programs. This office also administers our retiree health insurance benefits for our 300+ retirees. The Department of Risk Management seeks to reduce the County’s total cost of risk. Where appropriate, we place the responsibility for potential loss on other parties through the purchase of commercial insurance coverage or contractual obligations. The Risk Management and Insurance Department also administers the Self Funded Worker’s Compensation Program. This program covers the County employees, the employees of the Community College, as well as the employees of the Town, Villages and Fire and Ambulance companies in the County of Sullivan.
The Department of Solid Waste & Recycling manages Sullivan County's solid waste disposal program, including the County transfer station and materials recovery facility in Monticello, along with five recycling/convenience stations throughout the County. Sullivan County does not pick up garbage from residents or businesses; commercial haulers can be found in your local telephone directory.
To develop and coordinate a comprehensive DWI counter-measure program to deter the incidence of drunk driving and the occurrence of alcohol related traffic injuries and fatalities.
Sullivan Tobacco Asset Securitization Corporation is an independent limited development corporation and a New York State Public Authority. The mission of Sullivan Tobacco Asset Securitization Corporation is to collect receipts from the tobacco master settlement agreement and service debt in connection with the issuance of tobacco settlement bonds.
The Sunset Lake Local Development Corporation (LDC) was established by the Sullivan County Legislature to seek out a management company that is interested in leasing the operations of the Care Center at Sunset Lake in Liberty, NY. It presently owns the premises and associated property, while Sullivan County continues to operate the facility through a consulting agreement with Infinite Care Management.
The Sullivan County Office of Sustainable Energy (OSE) works to develop cost effective projects, policies and practices that make County operations and our surrounding community more sustainable, resilient, healthy, energy efficient and environmentally responsible. The OSE works to achieve these goals in County operations and throughout the community by providing research, analysis, strategies, informational outreach and project support on a range of issues relating to sustainability, and by working in close coordination with numerous County departments, local and state agencies and community organizations to maximize the resources available to the County and its residents.
The Sullivan County Veterans Service Agency is here to provide entitlement information and advocacy assistance to military personnel, to military veterans, and their dependents in matters related to federal, state and local benefits. We are not part of the Department of Veterans Affairs; we are a County agency dedicated to serving veterans and their families. We are knowledgeable on the huge array of programs, benefits and services that are available to our veterans.