The Department provides direct services in mental health, alcoholism and MOUD services to all residents of Sullivan County.
- Services are available to individuals of all age groups, without regard to severity of their access or functional needs.
- All services are confidential.
The Department is licensed by:
- NYS Office of Mental Health
- NYS Office for People With Developmental Disabilities are provided by the Sullivan County ARC, via sub-contract.
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Marital & Family Counseling
- Group Therapy
- Medication Therapy
- Crisis Intervention/Outreach
- Court Evaluations
- Consultation & Education
- Case Management
- Anger Management
- Coordinated Children's Services Initiative SPOA (Single Point of Access) -Application links listed below
- and many more
What to Expect
Treatment is a planned, systematic way of learning about yourself and how you interact with the world.
- The specific goals of treatment you will receive will be worked out between you and your therapist.
- The focus of treatment is to help you to understand and deal more effectively with problems you are encountering.
You can expect the following:
- You will have a specific therapist assigned to you who will meet with you on a scheduled basis.
- Everything you talk about is confidential.
- The focus of talking with the therapist is to understand why your problems are happening and alternative ways of thinking and living.
- The therapist does not have any magical answers, but will help you come to your own solutions.
- The desire to change on your part is essential. The length of treatment will be decided by you and your therapist.
- Sometimes treatment sessions include a spouse, a family, or a group of people mutually helping one another.
The Department is staffed by professionals of various disciplines:
- Social Workers
- Social Work Assistants
- Psychiatrists
- Nurses
- Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Use Counselors

Recently Discharged from the Military? What Next?
To learn how to become a successful Veteran Click Here
Fees are based on a sliding scale, determined by net family income. The Department accepts Medicaid, Medicare and Insurance.
Call between the hours of 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. You will speak with a professional staff person who will arrange for you to have an appropriate telephone / tele video or face-to-face interview.
Any questions: