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Watch History Come Alive at Special Fort Delaware Program

Judith Kalaora

Narrowsburg, NY - The Bold Gold Media Speaker Series continues at Fort Delaware Museum of Colonial History on Saturday, August 31 with an internationally acclaimed presentation of “A Revolution of Her Own,” the story of the female Revolutionary War soldier Deborah Sampson.

History At Play™, LLC  has garnered international applause for their Immersive Living History Experiences, chronicling the lives of influential and often forgotten figures. “A Revolution of Her Own!™” is the awe-inspiring story of America’s first professional female soldier, Deborah Sampson.

The program has been performed nearly 2,000 times in venues across the nation, as well as virtually around the globe. Receiving accolades from journalists, historians, and educators alike, the production earned the honor to be an Official Selection for the United Solo Theatre Festival in New York City. Now, Deborah Sampson travels to Narrowsburg to tell her incredible story at Fort Delaware Museum on Saturday, August 31, at 3 p.m. This is an exclusive event sponsored by Bold Gold Media, the Upper Delaware Scenic Byway, and Foster Supply Hospitality. Running time for the program is approximately 60 minutes, plus a Q&A following the performance. The program is included in the price of admission to the Fort that day, and all tours at the Fort will end at 3 p.m. so the program can begin.

“A Revolution of Her Own!™”  features History At Play™, LLC’s (HAP, LLC) Founder and Artistic Director Judith Kalaora in an immersive solo performance as Deborah Sampson, the first woman to successfully enlist, to professionally fight in, and to be honorably discharged from the American Military. The hour-long program chronicles her life: An indentured servant by age five, Deborah grew up in a man's world, where women were naught but second-class subjects. Without the ability to vote nor own property, Deborah knew options were limited; breaking the rules may be necessary to accomplish a greater goal in life. Experience Deborah’s arduous upbringing, one and a half years of active combat, and success as America’s first professional female soldier, through interactive stories and authentic colonial attire. Deborah's passion will take you back in time! Program includes simulated violence. Viewer discretion advised. Rated PG.

Featured in news media outlets, including WCVB Boston, CBS WBZ Radio, The Associated Press, and The New York Times, HAP, LLC’s Artistic Director and Founder J. Kalaora has expressed the delight and difficulty in portraying America’s first professional female soldier. Jordan Rich of CBS WBZ News Radio states, “She’s a one-woman force of nature and inhabits these women…it takes people like Judith to bring these stories to life…these lost pieces of history.” The Associated Press described Kalaora as “drawn to characters who seem conflicted about society’s gender roles…Kalaora not only portrays these women on stage, she emulates them in life, starting her own company to portray and educate about ‘influential, but oft forgotten women.’”

About History At Play™: Kalaora established History At Play™, LLC  in 2010 to create enriching historical entertainment. Kalaora is a resident of Massachusetts and a Magna cum Laude graduate of Syracuse University and Shakespeare’s Globe Education Program of London, England. Kalaora has performed on international stages from London to Montreal, as well as venues across the United States. History At Play™, LLC performs their expansive repertoire virtually, in-person, and via hybrid format to audiences around the globe. For information,

About Fort Delaware Museum: Fort Delaware is located on the Upper Delaware Scenic Byway at 6615 Route 97 in Narrowsburg, NY. It is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday thru Sunday until Labor Day (and the holiday) and Saturdays and Sundays in September and October. It is owned by Sullivan County and operated by the Barryville based non-profit history education group The Delaware Company. Visit for more information.