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Health and Human Services

Welcome to the Division of Health and Human Services 

The mission for the division is to provide consolidated, efficient and cost effective services for county residents.  The commissioner provides administrative oversight for the following departments:

Care Center at Sunset Lake 845-292-8640
Community Services 845-292-8770
Social Services 845-292-0100
Public Health 845-292-5910

For program information, click above or links on the left of this page.

Looking for a service, but not sure what, where or whom you need? Check out New York State's "Find Services" app, which includes Sullivan County services! Click on the image below to access it...


Find Services Link

Please click on the image "Our Roadmap to Better Health" to learn about our plan. 


Click here to visit the website of our partner,
SALT (Sullivan Agencies Leading Together)
"We can help!


SALT (Sullivan Agencies Leading Together) is a diverse partnership of agencies and community resources committed to working together to improve the quality of life for the residents of Sullivan County. Through information sharing, increased prevention efforts, and interagency collaboration, we seek to improve access to services that empower members of our community to make lasting and positive change.

For a listing of local food pantries, please click on our Guide...


Food Pantry Guide- English


Food Pantry Guide - Espanol

The Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless operates a soup kitchen serving takeout meals M-F, lunch from 12-1pm.  Weekly food pantry is every Friday from 11:30am-1pm. 

fed homeless image