Monticello, NY – The NYS Department of Taxation and Finance this week began mailing letters to property owners who receive the Basic STAR property tax exemption, requiring them to provide verification information within 45 days in order to continue receiving the exemption.
“Due to the short response timeframe and the concern that letters might get lost in the mail, we want people to be aware that this is occurring – and more importantly, to find out if they are impacted,” noted Sullivan County Treasurer Nancy Buck.
“This is NOT affecting those who receive the Enhanced STAR exemption or get a Basic STAR reimbursement check,” explained Sullivan County Real Property Tax Services Director Christopher Knapp. “The State is sending out a letter, called Form RP-425-BR, only to property owners who get an actual reduction (not a physical check) on their property taxes via the Basic STAR exemption.”
The form requires recipients to register with the NYS Tax Department within 45 days of receipt in order to continue receiving the Basic STAR exemption.
What to Do
If you have received the letter, promptly follow the instructions contained within it. If you have not received the letter but want to be sure your Basic STAR exemption will continue, contact the NYS Tax Department at 518-457-2036 any weekday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Please do not call your local assessor or the Sullivan County Department of Real Property Tax Services, as they will refer you to the State.)
Be sure to have the following information on hand:
- SBL (Section-Block-Lot) number of the property in question (listed on your property tax bill)
- names and Social Security numbers for all owners of the property and their spouses
- name of the school district where your primary residence is located
- approximate date you purchased the property
- names of the sellers (not required, but may help ensure you receive your credit before school taxes are due)
- most recent school tax bill
- address of any residential property owned in another state
- legal name of the trust, if applicable
- 2023 federal or state income tax returns for all owners and any owner’s spouse who resides at the property
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