New York's State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) requires all state and local government agencies to consider environmental impacts equally with social and economic factors during discretionary decision-making.
This means these agencies must assess the environmental significance of all actions they have discretion to approve, fund or directly undertake. SEQR requires the agencies to balance the environmental impacts with social and economic factors when deciding to approve or undertake an "Action".
SEQR applies to all state or local government agencies including districts and special boards and authorities whenever they must approve or fund a privately or publicly sponsored action. It also applies whenever an agency directly undertakes an action. Applicants who seek project approval or funding may be responsible for preparing an EIS.
How We Can Help
Sullivan County Division of Planning and Community Development is available as an advisory resource to municipalities to help determine resource impacts. Municipalities or other lead agencies may contact the Division to request assistance.
In addition to offering technical assistance upon request, the Division of Planning plans to hold formal SEQR training sessions, which will be open to the public. The dates and times will be announced here on our website and in our Division newsletters.
For More Information
A Local Official's Guide to SEQR
Visit the New York State DEC website to learn more about SEQR.