A Message from the Fire Coordinator
First and foremost, I would like to wish all emergency services personnel and their families, a Happy and Healthy New Year.
2024 kept our emergency services personnel very busy with Fires, Accidents, Searches and all types of Emergency calls in Sullivan County. A big thank you goes out to all Emergency Workers for being safe and working well together.
As 2025 begins, I would like to say thank you to all the outgoing Officers and congratulate all the newly elected Officers. As Fire Coordinator, along with my six Deputy Coordinators and 8 Fire Investigators we are all looking forward to working with each of you and you’re Departments.
The weather has been crazy, very cold then warm with snow and ice. Please make sure all emergency personnel and apparatus are ready to respond in all adverse weather conditions. Dress warm and be prepared to be out for long periods of time.
Training courses winter schedule is out, please go to our web site and Facebook page for all the training announcements and registration information. If you have members interested in taking a course the Firefighter has to sign up through LMS and attach a signed Training Authorization Form signed by the Chief.
The Sullivan 180 Healthiest Fire Department Challenge kicks off January 1 but there is still time! If your department is interested in being a part of this fun & easy health initiative with awards ranging from $500-$15,000 please contact: Lindsay Wheat Lindsay@sullivan180.org 845.295.2683
Reminder that the training center is available for individual or joint fire department use, please if interested contact the training center at least 2 weeks prior to use.
I would like to remind all departments to submit their fire reports and strive for 100 %. If anyone has questions please contact BC-3 Jack Halchak.
Thank you, Be Safe
John Hauschild 53-1
Fire Coordinator