A Message from the Fire Coordinator
Welcome to February, with the busy month of January behind us I would like to thank all Emergency Agencies for working well together.
Think Spring!!!! Please continue watching the weather as temperatures are up and down. We are getting cold temperatures rain and snow we need be prepared for whatever Mother Nature sends us.
Fire reporting is going well, thank you, if you are having trouble with the reports please contact BC-3 Jack Halchak and he will assist you.
Training courses are out and advertised, the spring and summer courses are being worked on now and will be announced soon.
Reminder that the training center is available for individual or joint fire department use, please if interested contact the training center at least 2 weeks prior to use.
The Sullivan County Bureau of Fire, Recruitment and Retention Task Force “JOIN SULLIVAN FIRE” and The Sullivan County Volunteer Firefighters Association are happy to announce this upcoming, exciting seminar “SELF REFLECTION AND ACCOUNTABILITY” on Sunday March 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM at Resorts World – Catskills. During this seminar led by Chief Brian Soller and Chief Nate Routledge, you'll engage in honest self-reflection, evaluate systemic issues and explore strategies for achieving excellence through interactive discussions and scenario-based activities.
Please, for more information and registration information click on this link https://tinyurl.com/SullivanSelfReflection
Reminder that the Heart-A Thon will be February 21, 2025, if you can please help support them.
Thank you, Be Safe
John Hauschild 53-1
Fire Coordinator