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Children And Youth With Special Health Care Needs

The Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program (CYSHCN) includes three programs. The Early Intervention Program (ages 0-3), the Preschool Special Education Program (ages 3-5), and the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Supportive Services (CYSHCN-SS up to age 21).

Early Intervention Program
Evaluates and tests for developmental delays for children ages newborn to 3 years. Services include speech, occupational and physical therapy, special education, and case management for eligible children. Referrals can be received from any concerned parent, health care provider, family member or agency.

Preschool Special Education Services
Currently serves about 250 preschoolers aged 3-5 with access or functional needs annually.  In addition to acting as a fiscal agent, the Preschool Special Education Program works with school districts and families to develop appropriate Individual Education Plans for preschoolers and to assure that services are delivered in the child's natural environment to the extent possible.

Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs Supportive Services (CYSHCN-SS)
Identifies children under 21 years of age with access or functional needs and refers them for diagnosis and evaluation. The program also authorizes and provides payment for specialized medical services for conditions previously diagnosed.