Your Link to Long Term Services and Supports
What is Sullivan NY Connects?
Sullivan NY Connects gives information about long term services and supports in order to help people of all ages remain independent in their daily lives. If you have questions and need to make decisions about long term services and supports, Sullivan NY Connects will make things simpler and easier for you. Information about long term medical and non-medical care is free and confidential. You will be given unbiased information about all services in Sullivan County that are appropriate to your circumstances, in a way that you will understand. Together with options counseling, you can then make an informed decision because you know what is available. NY Connects is administered locally in partnership between the Sullivan County Office for the Aging and Westchester Independent Living Center.
What are Long Term Services and Supports?
Long term services and supports (also known as long term care) help people of all ages live independently. These services are for an extended period of time and can be both medical and non-medical. They help a person maintain or improve daily functioning and health. Services can be provided in the community where a person lives, in a person’s own home, or in a residential setting like a nursing home. A few examples of services are: adult day care, home care, adult homes, meals on wheels, respite care, congregate meals, health insurance information, hospice care, housing options, senior clubs and senior centers, transportation options, nursing homes, and personal emergency response systems.
What is Options Counseling?
Options are presented and discussed with individuals to make personal choices and decisions based on their specific situation. When making decisions about long term services and supports, some people need more time to look at their options. They want to make a plan that fits their goals, their culture, and their resources. Sullivan NY Connects will help people explore the things that are important to them and the things that are important for them. In this way, individuals and families make personal choices and informed decisions based on their individual needs and preferences.
Who can Sullivan NY Connects Help?
Anyone who has questions about long term services and supports can receive information and assistance from Sullivan NY Connects -- a child or an adult with a disability, the elderly, caregivers and family members, friends and neighbors, and helping professionals.
Where is Sullivan NY Connects?
There are many ways to reach Sullivan NY Connects for long term services and supports.
- Phone: Call (845) 807-0257 or (800) 342-9871 or (866) 715-4700.
- In Person: Visit Sullivan NY Connects at the Office for the Aging in the Government Center,
100 North Street, Monticello, NY 12701. - Mail: Sullivan NY Connects, Office for the Aging, P.O. Box 5012 , Monticello, NY 12701.
- Internet: An On Line Resource Directory provides quick and easy access to information about all the many long term services and supports available throughout New York State, including Sullivan County. In addition to reading about available services, you may click on "Request Information" to be electronically connected to Sullivan NY Connects and a staff person will contact you directly.
- Click here for the Resource Directory