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RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program)




Join RSVP Today!

There is no better time than NOW to make a difference in your community by volunteering your time.  With RSVP you can use and share your skills, talents and life experiences or develop new ones while serving in a variety of volunteer activities while serving your community.  The RSVP of Sullivan County Americorps Seniors program is entering its 49th year of helping in our community.  We are recruiting adults aged 55 and over for RSVP as part of the Americorps Seniors program, to volunteer a few hours each week to help neighbors throughout Sullivan County. 

The RSVP of Sullivan County Americorps volunteers choose how, where, and when they want to serve with commitments ranging from a few hours to 40 hours per week.  We can find an opportunity for you with one of our 60 participating not-for-profit partners.

RSVP volunteers enjoy many group benefits including opportunities to meet new people in our community while making a significant difference in the lives of others; sharing your talents and experiences with one or more of our participating non-profit partners; special recognition events; flexible placements with regard to time commitments and the satisfaction of making a difference in the community; help to transition into retirement; partial mileage reimbursement; full mileage reimbursement for medical transportation and home delivered meals; and supplemental excess accident medical coverage for medical treatment and hospitalization, excess volunteer liability insurance and excess automobile liability insurance.

Current RSVP opportunities include distributing home delivered meals to homebound seniors in the community; preparing taxes for senior citizens and low income families; providing telephone reassurance to isolated seniors to ensure their wellbeing; providing medical transportation to important doctor’s appointments and specialty services throughout Sullivan and Orange Counties; hospice care; helping out at our local museums and historical societies and so much more. 

Our volunteers themselves report better health and longevity having served in their community.  There is research that demonstrates the mental and physical health benefits associated with volunteering, including lower mortality rates, increased strength and energy, decreased rates of depression and fewer physical limitations. We even have two (2) 100 year young active volunteers!

If you are interested in joining RSVP of Sullivan County Americorps, please contact (845) 807-0255. 

So get involved, and join RSVP today!

Call 845-807-0255